Hundreds of touts and mushikashika drivers arrested as ZRP ramps up fight against illicit transport


Zimbabwean authorities intensify crackdown on illegal transport operations

In a concerted effort to address the growing problem of illegal public transportation services, Zimbabwean authorities have ramped up their enforcement efforts across the country. According to the latest reports, a total of 233 touts were arrested on June 26, 2024, as part of the ongoing operation dubbed “No To Mushikashika and Touts.”

This latest wave of arrests brings the cumulative total to 1,281 since the operation was launched in June 2024. Alongside the crackdown on touts, the authorities also apprehended 666 motorists who were found engaging in “mushikashika,” the colloquial term for unlicensed and unregulated taxi services. This brings the total number of arrests in this category to 23,596 since the start of the operation.

The coordinated actions by the Zimbabwean government aim to restore order and safety on the country’s roads, as the proliferation of illegal transport services has long been a source of concern for both commuters and regulatory bodies.

The ongoing operation has received widespread support from the public, who have long grappled with the challenges posed by the unregulated transport sector. Many commuters have expressed relief at the authorities’ decisive actions to address the issue.

As the crackdown continues, the authorities have pledged to maintain their vigilance and strengthen their enforcement measures to curb the proliferation of illegal transport activities across Zimbabwe. The sustained efforts are expected to have a significant impact on improving the overall transportation landscape and ensuring the safety and well-being of all road users.

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