Rwandan border jumper arrested, awaits deportation


Rwandan national convicted for illegal entry into Zimbabwe

A 33-year-old Rwandan woman, Esther Nyirangirimana, has been convicted for unlawfully entering Zimbabwe.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe, the incident occurred on June 6, 2024, at around 1:00 PM, when Nyirangirimana was intercepted by immigration officials at Karoi as she was attempting to board a bus bound for Harare.

During the encounter, the Rwandan national failed to produce a valid passport or permit authorizing her entry into Zimbabwe. While Nyirangirimana was found to be in possession of a valid Rwandan passport, it was not endorsed with any Zimbabwean visitor’s entry certificate, as required by law.

The case was brought before the Karoi Magistrates’ Court, where Nyirangirimana was charged with contravening the country’s Immigration Act. The court subsequently sentenced the convicted woman to either pay a fine of US$50 or serve 30 days in prison in default of payment. Additionally, Nyirangirimana will be deported from Zimbabwe.

As Zimbabwe continues to strengthen its immigration policies and enforcement measures, cases like this serve as a deterrent to others who may be tempted to circumvent the established procedures for entering the country. The efficient handling of this matter by the relevant authorities underscores their dedication to upholding the rule of law and maintaining the security of Zimbabwe’s borders.

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