LATEST: President ED Mnangagwa breathes fire, strongly warns opposition ahead of SADC summit

President ED Mnangagwa

Zimbabwe vows firm response to any attempts to disrupt stability ahead of SADC summit

In a stern warning to potential troublemakers, the Zimbabwean government has made it clear that it will not tolerate any form of mischievous activities aimed at disturbing the country’s peace and security, particularly as it prepares to host the 44th SADC Heads of State and Government Summit.

Speaking at the 377th Ordinary Session of the Zanu PF Politburo in Harare, President Emmerson Mnangagwa expressed his awareness of the increased and “frantic mischievous activities” by opposition elements seeking to create unrest and gain relevance through dissent.

“Any attempts to disturb the peace and tranquillity prevailing in the country will be dealt with accordingly,” the President firmly stated, making it clear that his government will not tolerate any form of mischief under any pretext.

Mnangagwa warned that the law enforcement agents are ready to address such “machinations” without fear or favour, emphasizing the government’s unwavering commitment to maintaining the country’s stability.

The upcoming SADC Summit, scheduled for August, will see Zimbabwe assuming the chairmanship of the regional bloc, placing the country in the international spotlight. As is the opposition’s modus operandi, there are concerns that they may seek to exploit this opportunity to push their “nefarious agenda.”

However, the Zimbabwean government has made it unequivocally clear that it will not brook any disruptions or attempts to undermine the country’s security and tranquility. The President’s resolute stance sends a strong message that any such efforts will be met with swift and decisive action by the authorities.

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