DJ Fantan’s ex-wife Gamu and their 2 children flee Zimbabwe: I escaped from hell!!


Johannesburg – Gamu Nemukuyu, the former wife of prominent Zimbabwean Zimdancehall DJ Fantan, has revealed she fled the country with her children last week, seeking refuge in South Africa after enduring what she describes as a period of relentless torment and a severe decline in her mental health.

Nemukuyu’s dramatic departure followed a public plea from DJ Fantan, who posted a message online claiming that Gamu had “disappeared” with their two children, sparking widespread speculation and concern.

However, Gamu has now broken her silence, offering a starkly different account of events. Speaking from her new home in South Africa, she claims that her decision to leave was driven by the unbearable treatment she allegedly received from her ex-husband.

“I left the country because of how my ex-husband was treating me,” Gamu explained. “I couldn’t take the frustration and the torture that I got every day.”

According to Gamu, the alleged torment took various forms, including constant harassment and intimidation. “I was tormented, he would call in the middle of the night, would call early in the morning and act as if he wanted to check the welfare of the kids,” she said.

She cited specific examples of DJ Fantan’s behaviour, which she found particularly disturbing. “At one time he called me around 6 am and said ‘do you want to help the kids with homework?’ Who does that? Who calls someone at six?”

Gamu further alleged that DJ Fantan would frequently visit her home under false pretences, only to instigate arguments. “He would come and say I’m coming from the gym, I just want to check up on the kids and then start arguments for no reason,” she claimed.

Nemukuyu also addressed the circumstances surrounding their divorce and DJ Fantan’s subsequent marriage. “Fantan ended the marriage with me. I was hurt and I cried but I never went to his new marriage to cause drama nor have I come on social media and say stuff about him after he broke up with me,” she stated.

She believes that DJ Fantan’s alleged behaviour stems from jealousy and resentment towards her new relationship. “He doesn’t like the fact that my new boyfriend is around our kids and also helps and pays some of the bills,” she said.

Gamu described her living situation in Zimbabwe as “unbearable,” claiming that the constant conflict and alleged harassment made it impossible for her to provide a stable environment for her children.

“My living situation was becoming unbearable because each time we would fight or he would send people to my house or he would come himself,” she said. “At one point, l asked myself — is this the environment that I want my children to grow up in?”

Despite her troubled relationship with DJ Fantan, Gamu maintains a cordial relationship with his current wife, Vimbai. “I know his wife Vimbai and we have a good relationship. I have nothing against her because she’s also the mother of my children. It’s the husband that I have issues with. He doesn’t know what he wants.”

Nemukuyu also revealed that she had taken DJ Fantan to court for maintenance, but he claimed he could not afford the requested amount. “I took him to court for maintenance, he told me he can’t pay US$300 and I said it’s fine,” she said.

She further alleged that DJ Fantan consistently failed to provide financial support for their children, despite being aware of their needs. “He knows one of our kids has a condition…so I would call him asking for money that never came. I need money for medicine or food but he would ignore me. He would come to my house early in the morning without the money and just shouts at me,” she claimed.

Desperate and feeling trapped, Gamu made the difficult decision to leave Zimbabwe. “With all this happening every day, I told myself ‘Gamu get up and leave, this will not stop.’ I decided to move to SA where I know he won’t get hold of me. I’ve accepted that haachandide ko why does he keep coming back?”

She explained that she felt powerless to seek legal protection in Zimbabwe. “I couldn’t report him anywhere because he wouldn’t get arrested.”

In conclusion, Gamu stated, “Ndakatiza kuenda SA ndashaiswa peace of mind. So, after careful consideration I left with my kids. We are safe over here.” (I fled to SA because I was robbed of peace of mind. So, after careful consideration I left with my kids. We are safe over here.)

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