This is the best decision I have made in my life: Says Baba Harare as he reveals why he changed his lifestyle and dumped Jiti music


The Zimbabwean music scene has been thrown into a frenzy following the dramatic conversion of popular musician Baba Harare, born Braveman Chizvino, to Christianity. The 35-year-old singer, known for his energetic jiti tunes, has stunned fans and industry insiders alike by abandoning his secular career to embrace a life dedicated to gospel music.

Baba Harare’s decision to turn his back on a successful career in secular music has raised a wave of surprise and speculation through the country. His announcement has sparked heated debates across social media platforms, with fans and critics alike grappling with the implications of his spiritual transformation.

“When I gave my life to Christ, some people started mocking me on social media and other platforms questioning my motive,” Baba Harare lamented, his voice tinged with disappointment. “Let me hasten to say no one persuaded me to make this decision. I used to be a church-goer, but I finally gave my soul to Christ who saved me.”

The musician’s journey to faith began during a tour of Australia earlier this year. Despite the success of his sold-out shows, Baba Harare felt a profound calling from God to dedicate his life to spreading the gospel.

“Early this year we travelled to Australia with my group where I had a sold-out show. The fans embraced my music, but God spoke to me and convinced me to quit secular music and serve Him,” he explained. “I know I will miss travelling and stuff but I do not regret this move. This is the wisest move I have made in my life.”

The decision to abandon jiti music, a genre that has brought him immense popularity, has been a difficult one. Baba Harare acknowledges the challenges of convincing his loyal fanbase to embrace his new path.

“It will be hard for some of the people who have been loyal to me to embrace my new move. I quit jiti for gospel music which has left many people debating. I have also lost some of my fans in the process and gained new ones after my bold decision to give my life to Christ,” he said.

Despite the controversy surrounding his decision, Baba Harare remains resolute in his commitment to his new faith. He is determined to use his platform to spread the gospel and inspire others to seek a relationship with Christ.

“As a role model, I will continue using my influence to make sure that I convince others to repent. I know I have a calling to convince them like I used to do when I was still a Jiti musician. Those who are doubting me will thank me later if they repent and follow my teachings,” he asserted.

The musician’s conversion has also sparked rumours about the influence of his wife on his decision. However, Baba Harare has vehemently denied these claims, stating that his decision was entirely his own.

I have heard people say I recently got married, which is false. I have been married to her for some time, but I did not want her to be in the media. Social media went into an overdrive when her images were publicised with many versions coming up,” he clarified.

Baba Harare’s journey to faith has not been without its challenges. He has faced criticism and ridicule from those who fail to understand his decision. However, he remains unwavering in his faith, finding solace in the support of his family and his newfound community of believers.

“My parents congratulated me when they heard that I was now a Christian. Of course, I have always been a church-goer but now that I have genuinely repented, my parents are noticing some positives. I will continue fending for them like what I have been doing although my fortunes are likely to wane at some point. It’s a process that I want them to understand as we are moving in the right direction,” he said.

Baba Harare’s transformation has sent a powerful message to Zimbabwean society. His decision to embrace a life of faith, even at the cost of a successful secular career, speaks volumes about the power of conviction and the transformative nature of faith.

While his decision may have divided opinions, Baba Harare’s story is a testament to the enduring power of faith and the potential for change that lies within us all. As he prepares to launch his debut gospel album, “Repentance,” this Sunday at the 7 Arts Theatre in Avondale, Harare, Baba Harare is ready to embark on a new chapter in his life, one that is dedicated to spreading the message of hope and salvation.

“The launch is going ahead according to plan. We are calling it a Big Sunday, where we anticipate a big turnout at the event. I have invited several gospel musicians including Minister Michael Mahendere, Takesure Zamar, Jona Chivasa, Tatenda Mahachi, and Sabastian Magacha to come and worship with me. It’s going to be a special Sunday of turnaround where I hope many people will be served and born again,” he said.

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