Quit lula lula music if you want to marry me: Real reason why Baba Harare switched to gospel music revealed!


Harare – The music scene in Harare has been abuzz with the news of Baba Harare’s dramatic transformation, a shift that has sent ripples through the entertainment industry. The once-beloved jiti maestro has traded his signature sound for the uplifting melodies of gospel music, a change that has left many fans bewildered and curious.

Whispers of a secret marriage and a newfound faith have been circulating, and H-Metro has uncovered the truth behind this remarkable transformation.

A reliable source, close to the musician, revealed that Baba Harare’s decision to embrace gospel music was heavily influenced by his newly-wed wife. The couple, who tied the knot in a private ceremony attended only by close friends and family, share a deep Christian faith.

“The truth is that Baba Harare was influenced by his lover to dump his genre so that he settles with her,” the source confided. “They married secretly and wedded recently where they strictly invited a few friends and close family members. Everything was kept under wraps and a well-known Harare marriage officer officiated the event.”

The source further revealed that Takesure Zamar, a close friend of Baba Harare, served as the best man during the ceremony.

“He decided to dump everything and had his locks cut short,” the source continued, highlighting the extent of Baba Harare’s commitment to his new life. “He also disbanded his band and told his members to start their projects. There is no turning back for him, he says, he received Jesus as his personal saviour and is now leading a new life with his partner, who is also of a Christian background.”

A close confidant of the musician confirmed the change in Baba Harare’s outlook, stating, “It’s almost two weeks now since we spoke, we don’t talk as we used to do akangonditi achamboita zve life yake.”

In a recent interview with Gospel Greats presenter, Yvonne Tivatye, on Star FM, Baba Harare spoke candidly about his decision, expressing no regrets.

“This is the best decision I have made so far since I was born. I will not apologise to anyone, secondly, I think Mwari vakatipa free will yekuti kana une zvauri kuda kuziva unokwanisa kutsvaga kuti uzviwane,” he declared, emphasizing his conviction in his choice.

“At some point ndanga ndakutsvaga kuti panyika pano timbori vanani,” he continued, reflecting on his spiritual journey. “I liked listening to sermons of many people, I interacted with many people including prophets, pastors.”

Baba Harare explained that his decision to embrace gospel music was not a sudden conversion but a gradual process of seeking spiritual truth.

“At first hapana munhu akauya kwandiri achiti ita so, the reason vanhu vanotryer kudiscrediter Mwari, kuti Mwari akachinja munhu akadai here,” he said, addressing the scepticism surrounding his transformation.

“Ndiko kuverenga Bible nekuterera masermons evamwe vanhu. Kudhara ndakamboti namate namate and back slided, this time I wanted to see on my own kuti Mwari vari kutii,” he elaborated, highlighting his personal quest for understanding.

“Handina kutendeuka nekuti ndatambura, ndakatendeuka ndichipisa, and ndo best album rangu, ‘Prove them Wrong.’ I repented when I was in Australia, after I decided kuita zvandakuda,” he concluded, revealing the catalyst for his spiritual awakening.

Baba Harare’s transformation is a testament to the power of love and faith. His journey from jiti to gospel music is a story of personal growth and spiritual renewal. While some may question his decision, Baba Harare remains steadfast in his commitment to his newfound faith and his new life with his wife.

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