Harare – A Harare magistrate’s court yesterday witnessed the unraveling of a friendship and a marriage, as Caroline Katandwa faced accusations of running a...
Harare – The recent reconciliation of former Commonwealth flyweight champion Arifonso “Mosquito” Zvenyika and his wife, Jesman Mutokonya, following the revelation of her infidelity,...
Pretoria – South Africa’s Border Management Authority (BMA) has announced the interception of 410,000 individuals attempting illegal entry into the country since July 2022,...
Stilfontein – Twenty-one illegal miners, including nine Zimbabwean and twelve Mozambican nationals, emerged from the depths of abandoned mines in Stilfontein on Monday, 2...
Harare – Sengezo Tshabangu, the embattled Secretary General of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), has revealed a remarkable story of support and intervention...
Harare – A controversial amendment to the Broadcasting Services Act, currently before Parliament, proposes making the acquisition of a car radio licence mandatory for...
Harare – A Harare man, Benny Hizaki, found himself before the courts facing accusations of relentless sexual demands from his wife, Nancy Chihota, allegations...
Mbare – In a surprising turn of events that has left many in Mbare speechless, former boxing champion Arifonso “Mosquito” Zvenyika has publicly forgiven...