My b0yfriend is wonderful and l0ving – but he has a tiny pǝn!s


Dear Aunty Lisa,

I am a young woman seeking advice on a sensitive topic. My b0yfriend and I have been together for a few months now and while I really care about him, I am struggling with our ƨǝx life.

He has a small pǝn!s and I have never been satisfied in bǝd. I have tried to communicate with him but he is very sensitive about the topic and it often leads to arguments. I don’t know how to approach this or what to do. Can you please offer me some advice?

Thank you,

Frustrated Woman


Aunty Lisa responds:

Dear Frustrated Woman,

I understand that this can be a sensitive and difficult issue to address in a relɑtionship, but communication is key.

It is important to approach the topic with sensitivity and understanding, but also to be honest about your needs and desires in the relɑtionship. You can try to suggest alternative ways of being intimɑte and exploring pleasure together, such as using ƨǝx t0ys or focusing on other er0genous zones.

It may also be helpful to explore ways to increase intimɑcy and connection outside of the bedr00m, such as through open and honest communication, physical t0uch, and spending quality time together.

Remember that ƨǝxuɑl satisfaction is important in a relɑtionship, but it is not the only factor that contributes to overall happiness and fulfillment. It may be helpful to seek counselling or therapy together to work through any relɑtionship issues or to explore ways to improve your ƨǝx life. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what you need in a relɑtionship and whether or not your current partner is able to meet those needs.


Aunty Lisa

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