I’m keen to mɑrry my cute girlfriǝnd but she isn’t a virg!n. How much should I pay as lobola?


Dear Aunty Lisa,

I have been dɑting my girlfriǝnd for a while now and we recently slǝpt together.

However, I discovered that she is not a virg!n. This has left me confused and wondering if she is the right woman for me.

Should I still consider mɑrrying her? How much should I pay to her parents as lobola since she had lula lula with other men before?


Concerned Boyfriend


Dear Concerned Boyfriend,

It is understandable that your discovery has left you feeling uncertain about your relɑtionship. However, being a virg!n is not a requirement for a successful and fulfilling mɑrriɑge.

It is important to communicate with your girlfriǝnd and consider the things that truly matter in a relɑtionship, such as compatibility, l0ve, trust, respect, and mutual goals. If you truly l0ve and cherish your girlfriǝnd, then her ƨǝxuɑl history should not be a deal-breaker.

Ultimately, the decision to mɑrry your girlfriǝnd should not only be based on her virg!nity, but also on her character, values, and potential as a life partner. Take time to evaluate your feelings and priorities before making a decision.

Best regards,

Aunty Lisa

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