Woman returns home from Zanu PF rally and finds husbɑnd in girlfriǝnd’s arms, gets axed to death

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POLICE in Hwange have arrested a 48-year-old woman from Lupote for murder after she allegedly struck her b0yfriend’s wife with an axe handle causing her instant death.

The now deceased, Siphathisiwe Ngwenya (47) arrived home on Sunday night from Nkayi where she had gone to attend a Zanu-PF rally and found her husband Mr Themba Moyo (53) not at home.

Sources closer to the happenings said Ngwenya was aware of her husband’s extrɑ-maritɑl ɑffɑir with Odith Sibanda who is the accused and she set off to her homestead to look for her husband who she found there.

An altercation ensured between Ngwenya and Sibanda who denied having an ɑffɑir with Mr Moyo resulting in the accused picking an axe which she used to attack Ngwenya on the head.

Ngwenya died on the spot resulting in the arrest of Sibanda who is facing a murder charge.

Spokesperson for Matabeleland North police Inspector Glory Banda confirmed the murder and arrest of the accused.

“On the 31st of July 2023 police arrested 48-year-old woman Odith Sibanda for murder. Circumstances are that at around 3am on the same Siphathisiwe Ngwenya 47 went to the accused homestead where she confronted her of having an extrɑ-maritɑl ɑffɑir with Themba Moyo (53),” said Insp Banda.

He said the accused stood at the door holding an axe as she denied having an ɑffɑir with the deceased’s husband.

Ngwenya tried to disarm the accused during the course of the argument and the two wrestled for the axe resulting in the latter striking the former with the handle once on the head.

Seeing that Ngwenya had collapsed and unconscious, the accused called Mr Moyo to the scene and both tried to render first aid to her but to no avail she died on the spot.

A report was made to the police who arrested the accused.

Inspector Banda warned citizens not to resort to violence when solving issues.

“Investigations are still in progress and we want to appeal to our valued citizens not to take the law into their own hands when aggrieved. We discourage the carrying of weapons in public as this can cause to the general members of the community,” he said.

— Chronicle

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